Beloved by the Maoris – and Kiwis generally – the New Zealand Greenstone is a major player when it comes to the ‘gift economy’. A type of jade, ‘pounamu’ as it’s commonly known in New Zealand, is hard, durable and highly valued. Used in the past for making...
The geo-thermal mud pools in Waiotapu apparently have great healing qualities because of their rich mineral content – but given that they were practically boiling, we didn’t get in! The good news for the people of neighbouring Rotorua though, is that they’ve...
Wow, the ‘Money Types’ was officially launched in New Zealand on Saturday – and both Simon and I were completely blown away by how well it was received… Wonderfully, ‘money’ made an appearance too, and did a mini-session live with someone on the stage....
From the outset, the vision has been to take the “Money Types” global – so that our six teaching friends, the ‘Pharaoh’, ‘Magician’, ‘Joker’, Angel’, ‘Architect’ and ‘Prisoner’ can share their wisdom, inspiration and messages of hope. It was with great delight...
Barry smiled as he told me that he always had known that one day he would be rich. He had big dreams of running a company which looked after its staff as though they were family. He had no idea how this would happen…but just the conviction that he had enough...