Traditional jobs are set to become increasingly risky…

Traditional jobs are set to become increasingly risky…

We are already beginning to see what business, jobs and the economy are going to look like in the ‘new normal’. A 9–5 job used to be the norm because you had a certain level of security. If you did your job and didn’t piss off anyone then you’d probably be okay. Now...
A Redefining Of My Relationship With Money

A Redefining Of My Relationship With Money

Money, from my point of view is such a taboo subject in our modern society. To me everyone seems to be fine in defining people by their material worth but when it comes to actually talking about money & what it really & truly means to them, now that’s a whole...
Timeless Words From the Land of the First Light…

Timeless Words From the Land of the First Light…

As we leave the beautiful shores of New Zealand, it feels appropriate to share this powerful Waitaha* Chant. This heart-touching prayer was used to kick off the event at which the “Money Types” were launched earlier this month in the Southern Hemisphere: Aroha Aroha...