Use this innovative tool to discover your attitude to money! Simply go through the 30 questions below and decide whether you “agree”, “neither agree nor disagree” or “disagree” with each statement. Your primary Money Type will be displayed when you have completed all 30 questions.

I see other people succeed and feel a little jealous that I don’t share their luck
Ever since I was young, I’ve been a “saver”
I can often spot opportunities that others miss
Socialising with my friends and family is extremely important to me
Investing in myself and my personal development is a good use of money
While I appreciate beauty, I believe that “function” is even more important than “form”
You never know what’s around the corner, it’s important to live for “today”
I measure my happiness through my material success
I enjoy organising and catering for special events
People often describe me as “entrepreneurial”
I know I can rely on myself to create what I need and want in life
Whatever I do, I never seem to make any progress financially
I’m comfortable shopping for non-essential items on my credit card
I believe it’s important to continue my education throughout my whole life
People often admit to feeling sorry for me
People love spending time in my company because we always have a good time
People describe me as a “Steady Eddy” rather than as a “Flash Harry”
I want to be wealthier than the previous generation in my family
I like having a detailed plan for achieving what I want
Being financially wealthy is the best form of security
There’s never enough money at the end of the month
I am worried about what will happen when I get old
Looking after my family and friends is my priority
People admire me because of what I’m worth in material terms
Whenever money comes my way, I often find a big bill comes in soon after
Sometimes I find myself wondering when it’s going to be “my turn” to get what I want
I believe that success is the outcome of having clear goals
People say that I have great empathic skills and am very caring
I’d rather spend my money on other people, as I like making them happy
I want future generations to appreciate my success