“I Believe Money Is One Of Our Greatest Teaching Tools…”
I’ve been working in the arena of the world of finance for nearly three decades – initially as a financial journalist and subsequently as an executive coach and leadership trainer.
Working with some of the profession’s biggest institutions – from a couple of high street banks through to MBNA and what was then Skandia and Norwich Union – I’ve come to see why some people succeed while others fall by the wayside.
Intriguingly, I’ve found the same patterns repeat within smaller organisations too – whether I’ve been coaching directors on the most powerful ways to grow their business (and make them sustainable in the long term) or helping identify and develop candidates when it comes to succession planning.
Money is a medium for life – and when we begin to understand our emotional relationship with money, everything else in life suddenly starts to make sense too. But until now, it’s not been easy to uncover our own deeply held hidden beliefs, drives and attitudes.
I’m determined to change all that.
To that end, several years ago I created a unique profiling tool – based on what money has to teach us about ourselves at an emotional and psychological level. I’ve been busy ever since successfully using and proving the ‘Money Types’ profiling system with both my business and private-practice clients.
The ‘Money Types’ creates a fast, effective and fun language which facilitates an understanding of ourselves and others without having to go through years of ‘soft skills’ training.
Money has the power to reveal our unique gifts, along with our hidden shadows…
Finally, in my first book, “Be Your Own Guru – personal and business enlightenment in just 3 days!”, I share the story of a pilot project I ran with a high street bank in which my decidedly unusual approach helped the organisation’s sales team to improve their profits by a massive 330% in just nine months (and absenteeism levels reduced!).