“Even though you know your work could make a massive difference in the world, are you fed up with struggling to get your message out there?


“Are you feeling overwhelmed by everything the ‘experts’ tell you to do – and just wish that someone would cut through the noise so that you can focus on the real work that you’re here to do?


“Have you secretly been hoping that someone would come along and show you how to ‘join the dots’ – leaving you free to help more clients who are willing and able to pay you for the unique transformation that only YOU can bring to their lives?”

Hi There!
Isn’t it frustrating when you know that you’re great at what you do – and yet when it comes to finding those clients you can really help, it still feels like a tiring (and frankly boring) uphill slog. 

And while the internet is bursting with helpful (and not so helpful!) information when it comes to marketing and promotion, doesn’t so much of it feel horribly salesy and well, a bit smug?

If the shouty ‘BUY MY STUFF, BUY MY STUFF’ method of promoting yourself really doesn’t appeal to you – but you’re passionate about finding a way to share your gifts with the world in a way that rewards you properly while leaving your integrity intact, then read on…

I’m sure we’d all agree that we’re moving into new times – and I suspect, a new way of being. In the past, we relied on ‘Thought Leaders’ to show us the way – but I sense that now, we need a fresh approach, one that brings in some ‘heart’.

And to that end, I’ve coined the term ‘Heart Leaders’ – which really describes those people who were born for these times and who intuitively understand that there’s a better way – for ourselves, our families, our businesses, our communities – and indeed for the planet!

If reading this resonates with you – and I sense that it will – then congratulations, you’re very probably one of the new ‘Heart Leaders’ that we’ve all been waiting for…

And the good news is that the world needs you more than ever before!

How we get to show up in the world is changing too…

Personally, I’ve been in the arena of personal leadership (both in ‘corporate land’ and in my private practice) for a couple of decades – but in recent months, I’ve felt an inner shift (and it’s one that at first left me feeling distinctly uncomfortable)…

Indeed, in a recent meditation session, I was reminded of an inner ‘prompting’ that I’d had years previously – but which I’d studiously chosen to ignore. The realisation I’d had was:

“I’m not here to change the world…

…But I AM here to work with the people who are!”

While my ego struggled a little with this at first – after all, I’d been really passionate about working with high level teams and individuals in a training and coaching capacity (and I’d also enjoyed the recognition that had come with it too!) – I knew that big change, at least for me personally, was on the horizon…

Resistance was futile.

I was not only being nudged to share everything I’ve ever learned about getting yourself out there successfully – without feeling like you’ve sold your soul, but I would also only be working with a small group of passionate people, those people I’ve come to recognise as ‘Heart Leaders’…

Now, given that you’re only reading this because you’ve either been sent a personal invitation from me – or someone close to me – I’m going to make an assumption that you’re already an expert in your field and that the only thing holding you back is knowing how to connect and engage with the people you’re here to help with your specific gifts (whether you deliver them as a product or a service!).

What this means for you…

Over the decades, I’ve invested considerable time, energy and money studying with the best of them – indeed, even though I’ve given away countless books, programmes and audio materials over the years, my book shelves still groan with all those fabulous tomes that I just can’t bring myself to give up…

And now I want to share everything that I’ve learned with you.

Yes, everything.

It may have taken me a little while, but I’ve come to see that it’s going to be a massive privilege to be able to share all the wisdom I’ve gained throughout my multi-stranded career as a journalist, author, PR strategist, personal leadership and sales trainer, hypnotherapist, business coach, emotional healer, marriage guidance counsellor, spiritual guide, motivational speaker, book publisher, company director, radio show host, creator of the ‘Money Types’ emotional profiling system and founder of the soon-to-be-launched ‘Money Mystery School’.

Indeed, I’m currently putting together a powerful, comprehensive programme designed specifically for ‘Heart Leaders’ (I’m somewhat unimaginatively calling it the ‘Heart Leaders Programme’!) which I promise will not only join-all-the-dots for you in terms of broadcasting your message to your specific audience – but it’ll also be a fun journey. (Hey, if it’s not fun, I’m not playing!)

And I also get just how frustrating it can be when people tell you ‘what’ you should be doing…but then fail to show you how to apply that knowledge to your own situation.

But don’t worry, I’ve developed a hard-won reputation for getting stuff shipped – and I’ll be passing on everything I know about how to implement…

Now you can get all the joined-up-thinking that you really need…

One of my joys in life (although it does make me sound a bit sad!) is creating tools, systems, processes, formulas and a whole ton of stuff that just make the job in hand easier – but rather than itemising everything below (how long have you got?!) I thought it would make more sense at this point to simply outline the key themes that we’ll be covering in the ‘Heart Leaders Programme’:


How To Use My PRAISE Business Building System As The Foundation For Long Term, Sustainable Success

I’ll be honest, I only devised this when my back was hard up against the wall during the credit crunch of 2008 (but I’ve used it since over and over again to help numerous clients dramatically increase both their turnover and their profitability)…


How To Create A Bespoke System That Not Only Sets You Apart But Also Defines You As The Go-To Person In Your Field

Once I’d worked this one out, people who’d previously seen me as ‘the competition’ actually started recommending me to their clients…


How To Get Your Book Written And Published More Easily And Quickly Than You’d Ever Have Believed Possible

You’ll particularly love this one if you’re not a natural writer…


How To Get Smart When It Comes To Personal Branding

It’s not what you may think and getting it wrong can be horribly costly, as I was to discover personally…


How To Become A Marketing Magician

You’ll love this one as I’ll be sharing some of the most powerful copy-writing secrets that I’ve learned from some of the top people in their game…


How To Use Your Speaking Gifts To Sell Without Anyone Ever Thinking That You’re Being Salesy

Knowing how to deliver your best stuff (but without giving EVERYTHING away) is a real game changer…


How To Understand The People You’re Really Here To Help In A Deeper And More Meaningful Way Than Ever Before

Armed with this knowledge, you’ll be able to use their language to join the conversation that they’re already having in their heads…


How To Grow Your Publicity Network

Knowing the tricks of the trade will enable you to get your unique message far and wide (and in front of people who you’d never get to connect with otherwise)…


How To Build Your Credibility Platform

Use these tools to ensure that you’re perceived as someone not only with something to say – but as someone who’s got something worth listening to! (You really need to have a ‘story’, a personal ‘reason why’ and a ‘transformation promise’ to really engage your audience and have them trust you)…


How To Make Money Miracles Happen

While it’s not all about the money, knowing how to work out what you should charge (especially if you want to get some time off!) how to make money rather than always having to earn it and how to build the coffers in both the ‘Bank of Today’ and the ‘Bank of Tomorrow’ is vital if you’re to have peace of mind further down the line…

How can you access all this fabulous information?

For some reason, I really don’t fancy the idea of just sending you a ‘package’ each month (even if it is very valuable information) as I definitely believe that there’s so much more to be gained from live discussion and working together to get the magic happening for you…

So, we’ll use ZOOM as the platform for working together (and I’ll be sending you all the tools, workbooks, cheat sheets and everything else that you’ll need too).

To be honest, while I’m totally confident in terms of ‘knowing my stuff’ – this will be a new way of working for me – so to make it easy on myself, I’ve made the decision to run only ONE ‘Heart Leaders Programme’ in the year ahead, starting this September!

Equally, I also want to make sure that everyone gets all the attention they need – so I’m putting a very strict limit on the number of people I’ll be taking on.

…And there’s more!

As well as teaching the specific modules – which I’ll be leading in a ‘workshop style’ – I’ll additionally be running a monthly LIVE ‘Ask Me Anything’ drop-in clinic. Just turn up, and I’ll do my best to answer your questions, give you some guidance or we can just bat some ideas around… 

And I’m also wondering what alchemy we could create by having a special private ‘Heart Leaders Only’ online forum?

I’ll undertake to get it all set it up – and together we can create a community where we can chat, network, swap ideas, create some strategic alliances, work out some joint marketing initiatives…and who knows what else?

Finally, please do know that I’m also really open to any ideas, requests and suggestions you may have…

(Actually, that’s the main reason why I’m only taking on one cohort for the whole of next year – as I really want to encourage you to tell me what you want (and how you want it) – and I sense that it’s probably wise to give myself plenty of wiggle room in terms of time and ‘thinking’ space!)

What kind of investment will you need to make to join the ‘programme’?

To put it succinctly, the ‘Heart Leaders Programme’ will run over ten months – starting this September – and your investment will be just £97 a month.

(Or if you’d prefer to make a single upfront payment of £970, I’ll gift you an additional VIP two-hour coaching session which you can choose to use whenever you like!)

Yes, I could charge a lot more for this high-impact, top-quality guidance – but actually, I just want to keep it all simple and affordable. I’m really rather liking the idea of ‘giving back’ by ‘paying forward’ – even if it is a bit of a cliché! 

I also get that peace of mind – especially in these unprecedented times – really is important, so if by the end of the programme you truly feel hand-on-heart that you haven’t received value for money, then I’ll return your money in full.

With so much at stake, and with nothing to lose – here’s the BIG question: Are you ready to step up and take your place as the ‘Heart Leader’ the world really needs you to be right now?

If so, click on the red button below to choose which payment option works best for you…

I’ve deliberately limited the number of places to ensure that everyone gets all the attention they need – so make sure to secure your place now, so that you don’t miss out!

No more bookings will be taken after 10pm on Friday, 28th August.

I really do hope that you’ll come and join me, together we’ve got some very important work to do…


Olivia Stefanino

Unconventional Wisdom | Proven Results

PS It’s usually good form to include a testimonial, so here goes:

“Olivia is my secret weapon as my Business Coach as and when I have needed those magical gems to either get ‘unstuck’, push-through or to level up. Her words of wisdom have played a key role in a number of major business decisions and have saved me thousands of pounds by my avoiding costly mistakes.”


Tianne Croshaw – Director, Resilience Wellbeing Partnership, UK